Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Journal 4/22/08

I pretty much did the same things that I do every Wednsday. Which is make sure that the kids are being nice to each other, make sure that they use the bathroom ok, are fed, and get their nap. I also cut some leaves out for a art project that the kids were going to for the next day.

Week 11

Task 2
I don't have a cell phone so what does it matter. If I did then I would already know what I can do and can't do.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Journal 3/25/08

Last week I helped take care of the kids and made sure that they all didn't get hurt. I helped the kids with their little golfball painted eggs. Thats where you take a golfball, a box lid, a peice of paper cut into the shape of an egg, some paint, and a spoon and you just take the spoon full of paint and put it on the egg cut out and the golfball and roll it all over the box lid until the egg cut out is covered in paint. Then I helped get the kids lunch ready and get their cots ready for their nap time. That was pretty much it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 9

Task 2
1. Do you normally react positively or negatively to the situations in your life?
It depends on what kind of situation it is and where it is being handled at. If its at home I might have a negative attitude because my husband might be working my nerves and I'm ready to scream, but sometimes I might have a positive attitude when I get good news. Its the same way here at school I might have a negative attitude if someone or some people are being rude by talking while the teacher is speaking or when someone is presenting their project, but sometimes I might have a positive attitude when its time to go home.
2. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks?
Yeah because I can always make sure to keep my cool when it comes to ignorant people being disrespectful towards the teacher, another classmate, or my husband. I can also just ignore the people being rude and I can also ignore my husband when it comes to him being a hard head.
3. Write a paragraph expressing how the attitudes of others in your life have influenced you.
When my husband is mad at someting or someone his attitude, usually starts to get me all mad and I start bite off other people's head for no reason and I usually end up having to say I'm sorry to them, that its not their fault that I'm just having a bad day .

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week 8

Task 1
In the nersary we have eletric socket covers to prevent the toddlers and babies from getting eletorcuted, a little fence area for the babies so that they don't get hurt by the toddlers, there are child proof locks on the cabinet doors and on the drawers, and we also make sure all the toys are starailized and picked up so that no one gets hurt.

Journal 3/4/08

Last week I helped out with the kids all the way up nap time, then there wasn't anything else that I could do because all the kids were asleep. So I went out into the media center and sat at one of the tables and started making shamrocks for this Wednsday. Then Dr. Maudsley had came by and got some pictures of me with Dontavious and a picture with both Dontavious and my son Nolan but that one didn't turn out to well.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 6

Task 3
II. What would you do if you became overwhelmed with obligations?
I would come with a scedule of what time I do things. Get my husband up so he can help with the baby while I get ready for school. Try to have breakfast fixed before 8:00 - 8:30 because my husband likes to watch t.v. while he eats. Try to leave the house by 9:30.

Journal 2/19/08

Last week for my service learning I had helped out with the kids in the nursery here at school until most of them went home because of pink eye or their moms were part of the GED class. I helped put bags together for Valentines Day and I had a lot of doing that. I also helped putting other things for the Valentine's party. So pretty much that was all I could do because there wasn't much I could do to help out with any kids because they went home.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Week 5

Part 1
Commit yourself to finding a career that's appropriate to your interests, personality, and values. The first step in career planning is self-assessment, which helps you examine who you are and what you know about yourself.According to John Holland's theory, most people in our culture are one of six personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. People of the same personality tend to flock together. For example, artistic people easily make friends with and work well with other artistic people. When people of the same personality type work together, they create an environment that fits their type. For example, when artistic persons are together on a job, they create a work environment that rewards creative thinking and behavior — an artistic environment. A. Click Career Key for a survey to determine your interests and to match them to the six personality types called Holland Codes. Begin by logging on to the gacollege411 website. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one before taking the survey. At the bottom of the Career Key page, select “Begin the Career Key”. Keep this website open so you can return to it later. B. Record your scores at the top of page 3 of the Holland's Six Personality Traits. Keep this document open so that you can continue adding to it.
Part 2
People who choose to work in an environment similar to their personality type are more likely to be successful and satisfied with their jobs: For example, artistic persons are more likely to be successful and satisfied if they choose a job that has an artistic environment, such as choosing to be a dance teacher in a dancing school, an environment dominated by artistic people where creative abilities and expression are highly valued. This combination creates a productive and satisfying environment. A. Now that you have completed the survey, read pages 1 and 2 of the Holland's Six Personality Traits to learn more about your personality type. B. The Student-Career Matching Assistant will use your Holland Codes to link careers to your interests and personality. On the gacollege 411 website, start the "Student-Career Matching Assistant". You will see your Holland codes and interests already populated. Select and "Industry Focus" and view the matching careers. Review the careers generated and see if they are truly of interest to you. Record your "Industry Focus" and top three career choices on page 3 of the Holland's Six Personality Traits. Repeat this process two more times. In the end you will have 9 possible career choices listed.
Part 3
Now that you have assessed yourself, it is time to explore your career options. A wide variety of information about industries and occupations is available. Exploring several industries and occupations will help you to discover the options that most interest you. A. Return to the gacollege411 website. From your list of nine possible careers, choose your top three. On the Career Key page, choose the "List of Careers" tab on the left. Select one of the careers you are interested in. You are now going to investigate the occupation descriptions, worker characteristics, entry-level education and training requirements, work environment, physical demands, and related occupations. B. Complete page 4 of the Holland's Six Personality Traits with your first career choice. C. Complete page 5 of the Holland's Six Personality Traits with your second career choice. D. Complete page 6 of the Holland's Six Personlity Traits with your third career choice.
E. Save your completed document into your My Documents by selecting "Save As". Name this "Week 5 - Career Explortaion". F. Notify your advisor when you have completed every part of this assignment.

Part 4
I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:
-Does your personality type you discovered today in the survey agree with the type of work you are doing in your internship/service learning?
-Knowing your personality, do you think you will have any challenges in the career you want to pursue?
-Discuss any positive experiences you've had in the last week.
-Discuss any negative experiences you've had in the last week.
-What do you look forward to in the coming weeks?
-A picture or visual that relates to your service learning.
II. Give your post an appropriate title.
III. Be sure to proof read your work before publishing your post.
IV. Notify your adviser when you have published your service learning weekly journal blog post.

Page 1 - Holland's Six Personality Types According to John Holland's theory, most people are one of six personality types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional. The characteristics of each of these are described below:
Enjoys working with animals, tools, or machines
Generally avoids social activities such as teaching, healing, and informing others
Is skillful when working with tools, mechanical or electrical drawings, machines, or plants and animals
Values practical things you can see, touch, and use, such as plants and animals, tools, equipment, or machines
Sees self as practical, mechanical, and realistic
Enjoys studying and solving math or science problems
Generally avoids leading, selling, or persuading people
Is good at understanding and solving science and math problems
Values science
Sees self as precise, scientific, and intellectual
Enjoys creative activities such as art, drama, crafts, dance, music, or creative writing
Generally avoids highly ordered or repetitive activities
Has good artistic abilities in creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art
Values creative arts such as drama, music, art, or the works of creative writers
Sees self as expressive, original, and independent
Enjoys doing things to help people such as teaching, nursing, giving first aid, or providing information
Generally avoids using machines, tools, or animals to achieve a goal
Is good at teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information
Values helping people and solving social problems
Sees self as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy
Enjoys leading and persuading people, and selling products and ideas
Generally avoids activities that require careful observation and scientific, analytical thinking
Is good at leading people and selling things or ideas
Values success in politics, leadership, or business
Sees self as energetic, ambitious, and sociable
Enjoys working with numbers, records, or machines in a set, orderly way
Generally avoids ambiguous, unstructured activities
Is good at working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way
Values success in business
Sees self as orderly, and good at following a set plan

Page 2 - RIASEC Explanation Sheet

Personality Type
How it applies to people
How it applies to work

Realistic personalities like work activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions. They enjoy dealing with plants, animals and real-world materials like wood, tools and machinery. They enjoy outside work. Often they do not like occupations that mainly involve doing paperwork or working closely with others.
Realistic occupations frequently involve work activities that include practical hand-on problems and solutions. They often deal with plants, animals and real-world materials like wood, tools, and machinery. Many of the occupations require working outside and do not involve a lot of paperwork or working closely with others.
Investigative personalities like work activities that have to do with ideas and thinking more than with physical activity. They like to search for facts and figure out problems mentally rather than to persuade or lead people.
Investigative occupations frequently involve working with ideas and require an extensive amount of thinking. These occupations can involve searching for facts and figuring out problems mentally.
Artistic personalities like work activities that deal with the artistic side of things, such as forms, designs and patterns. They like self-expression in their work. They prefer settings where work can be done without following a clear set of rules.
Artistic occupations frequently involve working with forms, designs and patterns. They often require self-expression, and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.

Social personalities like work activities that assist others and promote learning and personal development. They prefer to communicate more than to work with objects, machines or data. They like to teach, to give advice, to help or otherwise to be of service to people.
Social occupations frequently involve working with, communicating with and teaching people. These occupations often involve helping or providing service to others.
Enterprising personalities like work activities having to do with starting up and carrying out projects, especially business ventures, They like persuading and leading people and making decisions. They like taking risks for profit. These personalities prefer action rather than thought.
Enterprising occupations frequently involve starting up and carrying out projects. These occupations can involve leading people and making many decisions. They sometimes require risk taking and often deal with business.
Conventional personalities like work activities that follow set procedures and routines. They prefer working with data and details rather than with ideas. They prefer work in which there are precise standards rather than work in which you have to judge things for yourself. These personalities like working where the lines of authority are clear.
Conventional occupations frequently involve following set procedures and routines. These occupations can include working with data and details more than with ideas. Usually there is a clear line of authority to follow.

Page 3

Career Assessment Inventory

Directions: Take the Career Key Interest Inventory on the gacollege411 website and record your scores for each type below.

Realistic __6__ Investigative __0__ Artistic __7__

Social __10__ Enterprising __1__ Conventional __2__

Review the industry focus groups that are associated with your three highest-scoring types above. List below the industry focus groups that are of interest to you. Also list the specific careers within each work group that are of interest.

Industry Focus: Careers:

_________________________ _______________________



_________________________ _______________________


_________________________ _______________________

Page 4
Exploring Careers

Directions: On the lines at the top of each page, record a career that is of interest to you or that you believe you have the skills to do. Research the requested information for that career so that you can evaluate whether this is truly a career you would consider pursuing.
Video available for this career: _X__ Y ___ N
Career Choice 1: ________________________

Job description: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Education/training needed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Skills needed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pay: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Job growth/Number of jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Related jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where to find more information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Video available for this career: __x_ Y ___ NPage 5

Career Choice 2: ________________________

Job description: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Education/training: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Skills needed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pay: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Job growth/Number of jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Related jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where to find more information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 6

Video available for this career: __X_ Y ___ NCareer Choice 3: ________________________

Job description: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Education/training: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Skills needed: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Pay: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Job growth/Number of jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Related jobs: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where to find more information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Review the careers that you researched. Rank them below in order of preference, now that you have researched more information about them.




Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4

Part 1
Name: ________________________
Date: _________________________

Learning Styles Modality Preference Inventory
Read each statement and select the appropriate number response as it applies to you.

Often (3) Sometimes (2) Seldom/Never (1)

Visual Modality
____ I remember information better if I write it down.
____ Looking at the person helps keep me focused.
____ I need a quiet place to get my work done.
____ When I take a test, I can see the textbook page in my head.
____ I need to write down directions, not just take them verbally.
____ Music or background noise distracts my attention from the task at hand.
____ I don’t always get the meaning of a joke.
____ I doodle and draw pictures on the margins of my notebook pages.
____ I have trouble following lectures.
____ I react very strongly to colors.
____ Total
Auditory Modality
____ My papers and notebooks always seem messy.
____ When I read, I need to use my index finger to track my place on the line.
____ I do not follow written directions well.
____ If I hear something, I will remember it.
____ Writing has always been difficult for me.
____ I often misread works from the text (e.g., "them" for "then").
____ I would rather listen and learn than read and learn.
____ I’m not very good at interpreting an individual’s body language
____ Pages with small print or poor quality copies are difficult for me to read.
____ My eyes tire quickly, even though my vision check-up is always fine.
____ Total
Kinesthetic/Tactile Modality
____ I start a project before reading the directions.
____ I hate to sit at a desk for long periods of time.
____ I prefer first to see something done and then to do it myself.
____ I use the trial and error approach to problem solving.
____ I like to read my textbook while riding an exercise bike.
____ I take frequent study breaks.
____ I have a difficult time giving step-by-step instructions.
____ I enjoy sports and do well at several different types of sports.
____ I use my hands when describing things.
____ I have to rewrite or type my class notes to reinforce the material.
____ Total

From Kids to College Program Materials, CIS of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, NC

Name: ________________________

How Do You Learn? Profile Description

The Visual Learner
Visual learners draw mental pictures when trying to remember things. They learn best by looking at pictures, graphs, charts, and designs. Visual learners usually absorb information best from books and class notes and by translating ideas into visual formats. Color-coding works well for visual learners. So does writing information on flashcards and highlighting key concepts.

The Auditory Learner
Auditory learners learn best when they hear spoken words. They focus best by listening and by verbalizing concepts out loud. Auditory learners probably learn a lot from lectures and class discussions. Taping lectures and discussions works well. So does reading study notes out loud and stating math problem and concepts verbally.

The Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner
Tactile and kinesthetic learners benefit most from "hands-on" activities. They usually clarify ideas by writing them down and understand formulas by manipulating them. Tactile/ kinesthetic learners learn best in laboratory settings and by doing fieldwork and class demonstrations. Making models to illustrate concepts works well. So does typing information on the computer, reorganizing material in different ways, and taping class lectures and listening to them during exercise.

Making Your Learning Style Work for You
Once you have figured out the way you learn, you will need to use specific strategies to help you with your way of learning. For example, if you are a visual learner, you could visual materials such as pictures or charts to help you learn and retain information.
Below are some practical suggestions for the various types of learners:
Visual Learners:
Use visual materials such as pictures, charts, maps, graphs, etc.
Have a clear view of your teachers when you are speaking so you can see their body language and facial expression.
Use color to highlight important points in text.
Take notes or ask your teacher to provide handouts.
Illustrate your ideas as a picture or brainstorming bubbles before writing them down.
Write a story and illustrate it.
Use multi-media (e.g.. computers, videos, etc.).
Study in a quiet place away from auditory disturbances.
Read illustrated books.
Visualize information as a picture to aid memorization.
Auditory Learners:
Participate in class discussions/debates.
Make speeches and presentations.
Use a tape recorder during lectures instead of taking notes.
Read text out aloud.
Create musical jingles or raps to aid memorization.
Create mnemonics to aid memorization.
Discuss your ideas verbally.
Dictate to someone while they write down your thoughts.
Use verbal analogies and storytelling to demonstrate your point.
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners:
Take frequent study breaks.
Move around to learn new things (e.g., read while on an exercise bike, mold a piece of clay to learn a new concept).
Work at a standing position.
Chew while studying.
Use bright colors to highlight reading material.
Dress up your work space with posters.
If you wish, listen to music while you study.
Skim though reading material to get a rough idea of what it’s about before settling down to read it in detail.

Learning Styles Work Plan
Use the space below to create your personalized work plan for the subjects listed. Include at least two strategies for each subject that could be used for the different learning style types. Use your handouts and
www.studygs.net as resources when researching strategies.
Your primary learning style: ___________________________________

Visual Auditory Tactile/Kinesthetic



Social Studies


Second Language

Elective: ________

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Week 3

Part 1
I don't really have anything i need to work on.
Part 2
Taking Notes in Class
In classes, your teachers will talk about topics that you are studying. The information they provide will be important for you to know when you take tests. You must be able to take good written notes from what your teachers say.
Taking good notes is a three-stage process in which there are certain things you should do before class, during class, and after class. Here are the three stages of notetaking and what you should do during each stage.
1. Get Ready to Take Notes (Before Class)
Review your notes from the previous class session before you come to class. This will help you remember what was covered and get you ready to understand new information your teacher provides.
Complete all assigned readings before you come to class. Your teacher will expect that you have done this and will use and build upon this information.
Bring all notetaking materials with you to class. Have several pens and pencils as well as your notebook.

2. Take Notes (During Class)
Keep your attention focused on what your teacher is saying. Listen for “signal statements” that tell you that what your teacher is about to say is important to write in your notes. Examples of signal statements are “The most important point…” and “Remember that . . . “ Be sure to include in your notes information that your teacher repeats or writes on the chalkboard.
Write quickly so that you can include all the important information in your notes. Do this by writing abbreviated words such as med for medicine, using symbols such as % for percent, and writing short sentences.
Place a ? next to information you write in your notes, but about whose meaning you are not sure.
3. Rewrite Your Notes (After Class)
Rewrite your notes to make them more complete by changing abbreviated words into whole words, symbols into words, and shortened sentences into longer sentences.
Make your notes more accurate by answering any questions you had when writing your notes in class. Use your
textbook and reference sources to obtain the information you need to answer your questions. If necessary, ask your teacher or other students for help.
Check with other students to be sure you did not leave out important information.
Having good class notes will help you to be better prepared for tests.

What is Procrastination?
Procrastination is putting off or avoiding doing something that must be done. It is natural to procrastinate occasionally. However, excessive procrastination can result in guilt feelings about not doing a task when it should be done. It can also cause anxiety since the task still needs to be done. Further, excessive procrastination can cause poor performance if the task is completed without sufficient time to do it well. In short, excessive procrastination can interfere with school and personal success.
Why Do Students Procrastinate?
There are many reasons why students procrastinate. Here are the most common reasons:
Perfectionism. A student’s standard of performance may be so high for a task that it does not seem possible to meet that standard.
Fear of Failure. A student may lack confidence and fear that he/she will be unable to accomplish a task successfully.
Confusion. A student may be unsure about how to start a task or how it should be completed.
Task Difficulty. A student may lack the skills and abilities needed to accomplish a task.
Poor Motivation. A student may have little or no interest in completing a task because he/she finds the task boring or lacking in relevance.
Difficulty Concentrating. A student may have too many things around that distract him/her from doing a task.
Task Unpleasantness. A student may dislike doing what a task requires.
Lack of Priorities. A student may have little or no sense about which tasks are most important to do.
How Do I Know if I Procrastinate Excessively?
You procrastinate excessively if you agree with five or more of the following statements:
I often put off starting a task I find difficult
I often give up on a task as soon as I start to find it difficult.
I often wonder why I should be doing a task.
I often have difficulty getting started on a task.
I often try to do so many tasks at once that I cannot do any of them.
I often put off a task in which I have little or no interest.
I often try to come up with reasons to do something other than a task I have to do.
I often ignore a task when I am not certain about how to start it or complete it.
I often start a task but stop before completing it.
I often find myself thinking that if I ignore a task, it will go away.
I often cannot decide which of a number of tasks I should complete first.
I often find my mind wandering to things other that the task on which I am trying to work.
What Can I Do About Excessive Procrastination?
Here are some things you can do to control excessive procrastination.
Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts such as “There is no time like the present,” or “Nobody’s perfect.”
Prioritize the tasks you have to do.
Commit yourself to completing a task once started.
Reward yourself whenever you complete a task.
Work on tasks at the times you work best.
Break large tasks into small manageable parts.
Work on tasks as part of a study group.
Get help from teachers and other students when you find a task difficult.
Make a schedule of the tasks you have to do and stick to it.
Eliminate distractions that interfere with working on tasks.
Set reasonable standards that you can meet for a task.
Take breaks when working on a task so that you do not wear down.
Work on difficult and/or unpleasant tasks first.
Work on a task you find easier after you complete a difficult task.
Find a good place to work on tasks.
Above all, think positively and get going. Once you are into a task, you will probably find that it is more interesting than you thought it would be and not as difficult as you feared. You will feel increasingly relieved as you work toward its accomplishment and will come to look forward to the feeling of satisfaction you will experience when you have completed the task.

Part 3

Week 2

Part 1

Name: _____Kathryn Debalski_____________
Classic City High School PLC
Technology/Career Prep Seal Diploma Checklist
If you have credit for a course, put credit earned in the box.
If you are in taking the class this semester, put in progress in the box.
If you still need credit for a course, put still need in the box.
Required Course
Credit Earned
English 9
= 1

English 10 = 1

English 11 = 1

English 12 = 1

Algebra IA = 1

Algebra IB = 1

One More math course = 1

Physical Science = 1

Biology = 1

One other lab science course = 1
(ex: anatomy or entomology)

World History = 1

U.S. History = 1

American Government


One Elective Credit in one of the following areas:
Computer Technology, Tech/Career,
Fine Arts, or JROTC = 2

Technology/Career Elective
(3 of the 4 must be in one area of concentration)

Technology/Career Elective
(3 of the 4 must be in one area of concentration)

Technology/Career Elective
(3 of the 4 must be in one area of concentration)

Technology/Career Elective
(3 of the 4 must be in one area of concentration) = 1

Elective = 1


Health/Personal Fitness (1/2 credit of each) = 1/2

22 Required Credits
Add up the number of required credits you have already earned credit for_________/ 22
Add up the number of required credits you still need to graduate
(include in progress and still need in this number) __________/ 22

Part 2

Classic City High School PLC
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Name: Kathryn Debalski
Term: 2
I. Selecting a Career: To help you determine what are the most important considerations for you in selecting a career, please rank the following in their order of importance to you, with "1" being the most important.
__3_ Recognition __2_ Personal Fulfillment
__4_ Money __5_ Service to People/Community
__1_ Enjoyment ___ Other__________________
II. Career Interests: What careers interest you? List them in the space below.
1. Chef
2. Catorer
3. Cook
4. Baker

5. Head Chef
III. Academic Goal: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your academic goal.
What is your academic goal?
How will you achieve this goal?
When will you achieve this goal?
What are your obstacles in achieving this goal?

How can you overcome these obstacles?

IV. Career Goal: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your career goal.
What is your career goal?
What will you need to do to achieve this goal?
What plan do you have to achieve this goal?
When do you want do be working in this career?
Where do you want to work with this career?

V. Training after the PLC: Answer the questions below to get you thinking about your training after the PLC.
How far do you intend to go in your educational training and (2-year technical college, 4-year College, or military)?

Where would you like to go to get your educational training? (name the university, college, tech school, military base, etc).

VI. Work Environment:
What kind of work environment would you prefer? (outdoors or indoors, alone or with others, office, factory, etc)

VII. Strengths and Challenges:
What strengths do you have to accomplish these goals?
What challenges do you have to accomplish these goals?

VIII: Your Dreams: Discuss your "Dreams" with your parents, teachers, adviser, and counselor, and begin to take courses and make choices that relate to reaching your dreams.

Part 3
I. Where do I want to be in ten years? Type a numbered list with ten details of what you want your life to look like ten years from now.
II. What can I do now to get there?The second part of this blog post is to formulate a list of ten things you have to do this term to help yourself get that life you formulated a list for in part I. Type a numbered list of ten things you have to do over the next five months to help yourself later. These should include steps you need to take in school and outside of school.
III. Upload an image/picture that represents at least one aspect of what you want your life to look like ten years from now.
IV. Give your post an appropriate title. Be sure to proof read your work before publishing your post.
Part 4
I. Write a two paragraph blog post that discusses your experiences thus far at your service learning placement. Be sure to write using complete sentences, proper capitalization, and proper grammar. You may want to include some of the following in your journal:
your first impressions
your work
what you've learned about the profession
what you've learned about working with the people at your placement
any positive experiences you've had
any negative experiences you've had
what you look forward to in the coming weeks
a picture or visual

II. Give your post an appropriate title.
III. Be sure to proof read your work before publishing your post.
IV. Notify your adviser when you have published your service learning weekly journal blog post.

Week 1

Part 1
Theres not really anything need to make an improvement on.
Part 2
I can't really think of any thing else to add.
Part 3
I've already got that.